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Precision Balance .

Precision Balance .

Model Number:  NHB 
Manufactured by: t-scale

Product Description:
Portable Precision Balance .

NHB 600 ~ 600g x 0.01g - pan 120 mm diameter

NHB 6000 ~ 6000g x 0.1g - pan 135 mm diameter

NHB 120+ ~ 120g x 0.001g - 80 mm diameter

NHB 1000+ ~ 1000g x 0.01g - 120 mm diameter


◆Capacities from 120g to 6000g
◆16.5mm LCD display,with LED backlight and loading bar graph
◆Mains adaptor and Rechargeable battery
◆Selectable weighing unit
◆Percentage weighing, parts counting, accumulation
◆Draught shield with 100g / 600g / 1000g
◆Standard RS-232